"I need friends"-Guide:
1) Add friends:
* people who comment here: with your cursor hover over their names, then click "+ Friend"
* players in the "Tree of Fame": in the game look up the players on the "Tree of Fame" (top left corner), then go to your Kong-profile, click "Friends", and copy in their names under "Add a friend"
2) Add fans:
* go to your Kong-profile, click "Fans" to see who has already added you as a friend; if you are mutual friends, there'll be a black star. Otherwise click "+ Friend".
Refresh the game to see your new buddies.
If you are new to the game and looking for friends, look up the players on the "Tree of Fame" (top left corner), then go to your Kong-profile and add them as friends there.
I really don't care about grammar or typos, I like this game and am happy it is available in a language I can understand. English isn't everybody's first language (it isn't mine), so if this was first developed in Latvian, I'd say a job well done!
Will there be more tasks on the desert island? I gave the camel its saddle and revived some cacti, is there more to do in the future? I feel bad for Toby.