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Comments for Mergest Kingdom

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Jun. 29, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) i missclicked and used gems, and there are not even a warning button, this is unfair

+ - !



Jun. 25, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) A pretty, pay to play cash grab program comprised of pay walls, energy expenditure and time locks.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) When is there going to be a sale on the lands where we can buy them with rubies instead of money? Like it used to be!! Rubies are almost worthless now, and I have tons of lands I'll never pay for.

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Jun. 23, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) 10 bucks for the Event pass for Shopping Season now. I would love to see anyone who spends 10 bucks on that to post here with their reasoning.

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) The translation is absolutely terrible, the game is unplayable in my native language. Don't do localisations if you have to do it in so shitty way.

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Jun. 20, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) nice game

+ - !



Jun. 15, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) i just wasted 25 diamonds cuz shop moved in last second making me clicking on wrong thing, and it just bought with no conformation

+ - !



Jun. 05, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Honestly I don't know what is worse: this game, the film Bullet Train with Brad Pitt, or running out of good whiskey.

+ - !



May. 31, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Everyone I have a great idea: Instead of spending the roughly $168 to unlock things here - go get on Steam and spend that money to support some good Indie developers instead. Vampire Survivors I'm looking at you. Eventually new players are going to realize what a crock of crap this is now and find better ways to spend money.

+ - !



May. 20, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) $168 approx to open up all areas in the game now? If I could give negative stars I would. This has got to be one of the most moronic dev moves on kong I have had the sad displeasure to witness. Losers.

+ - !



May. 20, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) The Time Leap Glitch is everywhere, in every game, including this one.

+ - !



May. 17, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Hey DEVS!! How about a sale on the land for RUBIES!! I worked my ass off to finally be able and make enough ruby chests to have 13,000 rubies, and they are now virtually worthless. I can't buy a single extra space of land without spending money, and there's not enough room to play well without the extra space. Guess you want me to go play something else.

+ - !



May. 17, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) MunaAlaneme "> : ( I WASTED 84 GEMS FOR NOTHING!" Yup, and that's how it's predatorily designed. Notice the gem/finish button is so big for what it is? It takes up about half the distance into the next space on both sides and bottom. It is meant to be too easy to click on.

+ - !



May. 17, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Nvm, I got it. I was so dumb.

+ - !



May. 17, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) And how do I get the 4th gear? I only got 3.

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May. 15, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) >:( I WASTED 84 GEMS FOR NOTHING!

+ - !



May. 09, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Well, this is a surprise-got myself 2k rubies and guess what happened? The areas that could be bought were changed! Instead of having 2 (ruby)expensive & larger places to buy, I instead had only 1 smaller & cheaper area to buy! Unless, of course, I suddenly found the means & any possible reason to spend real $ on this game.... which will be the butt end of never.

+ - !



May. 08, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) i wish there could be a "im poor" button to auto block all ad that need pay

+ - !



Apr. 27, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) AAAAAA! The wheat design changed!

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Developer: Making most things that were rubies before and changing them to Kreds on a website that literally died of cancer years ago. Nice job. I am sure most of the hardcore / daily players will definately not be spending kreds. Your basically picking on the casual base of players with very predatory pricing who don't know all the ways to farm resources efficiently to combat your absurd amounts of time to build late game. I'm still here because of my OCD and some very good mates in Discord - not because I am finding the game a great way to relax (I have my Steam library for that). I just hope everyone that stops by to play swings into Discord so we can coach them how to beat you at your game: efficient farming of rubies, coins, genies and you don't have to spend a cent and give it to these greedy btards. Wish Dev would stop by and actually talk to their player base but that won't happen.

+ - !



Apr. 25, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Antonrox, you have to get to level 8, then the Travel Book will be available to go to different Worlds. Zoo Village is permanent and does not count as an expedition, but all other's that appear do, and are all the rest, temporary. Anyway, when the first one appears (should be Dragonia), click it in the Travel Book to go there. Now just wait for it to end and that will be counted as completed. You can do things there if you want, but don't have to in order to get the badge.

+ - !



Apr. 25, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) minimeowns, because they designed it like that on purpose. Notice that's the only thing without a confirm option, and it's oversized for what it is? It literally covers half of whatever is below it, making that hard to click without hitting that button. It's just like all the other conniving aspects of games like this. Remember: the goal is NOT to make a fun game (to do so is pure coincidence), it's to make money. You can see it with the "offers" costing Kreds constantly being shoved in our faces on a frequent and regular basis, as well as the massive pictures/icons covering so much of the sides of the screen. They'll extremely likely never make a confirm for this like literally everything else or an undo option, because that would scrub the likelihood one would spend real $. One more note: I went to the home page from the developer's Kongregate profile, and it's just another thing based in... Singapore f***ing China. That should tell you all you need to know right there.

+ - !



Apr. 25, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) how do i start an expedition?

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Apr. 24, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Why on EARTH is there no CONFIRM BUTTON for GEMS??? Just wasted 70 upgrading something I would have been happy to come back in 2 hours time...

+ - !



Apr. 18, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Game hasn't loaded in a couple of days.

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Apr. 13, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) For the badge, what is an expedition and how do I unlock it?

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Apr. 05, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) To complete Explorer Extraordinaire Badge you don't need to comlete all expedition. Just start it and wait till it ends.

+ - !



Apr. 02, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) The concept of the gaming elements itself is something I liked. Merging items in a variety of sequences while managing (or trying to) stockpiling resources to get the best bonuses vs. the availability of tiles is fun, adding a "kingdom building" theme to this is also interesting. The gaming elements, sadly constitute only a minor part of this "game" - the main elements seem to be related to buying the ingame currency. This is present in each and every screen of the game, with ads (!) for various ingame currency "offers" popping up every several minutes and when changing from screen to screen. There are much more details to be described, but this "game" is not worth the words I am typing right now. If not for the Kong quest requiring a particular achievement to be made, I would not have continued playing past the 10th currency ad, so the total playitme would not have been beyond 2 minutes. I strongly recommend avoiding, unless you prefer ad-watching to playing.

+ - !



Mar. 31, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Finished last building in Lunar. Game is 100% finished main map. I got in early too so i got all areas bought without kreds. Going to stick around and see how far i can take just the Wooden Castle - with it's 15 minute max building going to be funny. Never spent any $ - it's a semi shame they are locking certain chunks behind a paywall. wooooooo go voltron force!

+ - !



Mar. 28, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) If your new to the game: Join us in Discord. We are super friendly and we have a huge amount of knowledge to share about the game. We have it down to a science and we can save you some headaches and time :)

+ - !



Mar. 25, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) I am pretty surprised dev has added some new features to the game. It really seemed like they didn't do anything for a good stretch. I am almost finished main map but I'm gonna stick around after and see what happens now.

+ - !



Mar. 24, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Has anyone else not been getting any events other than the regular world and the Zoo one for weeks now?

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Mar. 23, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) I'm not against Dev making money but I am against some of the predatory purchases in the game. imo buying the $25 ruby is a little worth it - until you find a square and start making it rain rubies.

+ - !



Mar. 19, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) It wasn't all the locked areas- just the least expensive. There's 1 or 2 that cost over 1,000 rubies that haven't been changed- at least, not yet in my game.

+ - !



Mar. 18, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) @JimsterLB- Wait did they seriously change the areas from rubies to kreds? That does not surprise me and what a sh*** thing to do. This honestly has to be one of the worse things a dev has done on Kong.

+ - !



Mar. 18, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) @redspirit1 - you can't change the chests back. Just learn from this mistake and do not open anymore areas until you think your ready for the chest switch - imo that is a good idea.

+ - !



Mar. 12, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Hello, I got a problem with resource shop and free chest. I was finished with stones and afterward opened a new area with bamboo. The chest type in the resource shop has changed to bamboo chest, as it should. After only one day of bamboo gathering, because I had a lot of keys, I also opened a new area and saw a blue predator, which gave me the first crystal. Afterward, the chest type in the resource shop changes to crystals!!! But I just started with bamboo and it for sure will take time to collect and upgrade the bamboo-line. Is there any possibility to change the type of chests in the resource shop to bamboo back?

+ - !



Mar. 11, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Did the few areas I have left to unlock just change from the cost being gems to freakin' kong kreds?? I know for a fact you had to pay gems weeks ago, cause I checked regularly. But now it's kreds? Are you mental, devs?!

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Mar. 10, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Cmon what is this crap - another way to try and monetize this game. TRUST ME you do not need to spend a dime to finish this or be successful at it.

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Mar. 06, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) security alerts on their ads, sometimes results in redirecting away from kongregate

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Mar. 03, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) game still somewhat broken

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Mar. 01, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) @Naud1234... <--- There is my proof. Have a good day. (btw I only posted this for you Naud1234. hope it makes you feel better)

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Feb. 29, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) For crying out loud. Unlocking new areas doesn't unlock more necessary room. It unlocks more new material to take up more space!!!!

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) I'd love a very quick Undo feature. Missing is painful when you've been saving up to 17. :) Also, how about "hold down CTRL and it'll pick up every item of that kind and move them all at once?"

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Feb. 22, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) wish they would fix this having problems merging stuff

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Feb. 21, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) The badge isn't kidding. Reaching level 35 is actually impossible.

+ - !



Feb. 21, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Today I got my Impossible badge :) Took some time but we are there - completely F2P - Never spent a cent. Once you get rolling it can move pretty fast and you do NOT have to spend anything with patience. Make sure your merges are as many as possible, make certain things priorities, don't be afraid to spend coins and gems because there will always be more, and come into the chat and ask questions - there is a chunk of us actively talking and playing daily - we love to answer questions and help :)

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) So after doing all the work and waiting all the hours collectively over many tasks, when I get a good reward with golden tickets, for the top row I have to PAY for a golden ticket to actually get the reward I put so much effort into already? That reminds me of a part from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Gibbs "We'll save ya Jack!" Jack "5 Shillings!" Gibbs "5 Shillings... wait, you want us to PAY you to SAVE you?" YOU DO NOT PAY FOR A REWARD!! At least not one you worked for and earned.

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Feb. 14, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) Another stupid game that starts the tutorial before you can set the language. Instant 1/5.

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Feb. 14, 2024

Under rating threshold (show) I'd like an undo button for when I accidentally do a merge with less items than I have. Or maybe also a feature to merge all items of the same type without spending minutes organizing them first. That takes so long!

+ - !


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