imaginarycupcake: Yes it's normal like we've explained in the "Updates" section, the score in the game won't work, but you can still compare with other players on Kongregate ;) Sorry for the inconvenience.
Here's a little tutorial for Battle mode. I will tell you after wich btls you level up (considering you don't miss any bonus levels, giving you extra exp). You level up after btl 1, 6, 10, 16, 22, 26, 27 (if you win bonus), 31, 33, 39, 44, 45 (bonus), 47 (you're now at level 15 wich is the max). However, after btl 48, there is a bonus that has almost the same effect as leveling up - it replenishes all your hp, mp, and specials - don't miss it :)
Also, if you haven't killed the Mimic in the train and you want to earn some extra cash: go fight the Mimic but make the battle last the longest possible by defending (each regular attack of the Mimic gives you 20$) :)
ThaneDarkRaven, I have no idea, but do Macs have a search option where you can search your hard drive? Once you find that option the rest is probably very similar.
Milskidasith: Congratulations for getting there! :) Here are the final boss' stats: HP: 3000, ATT: 105, DEF: 30, INT: 30, SPD: 30, EXP: 2500, $: 300. Good luck!
To everyone who recently lost their save files: it's because we did an update yesterday and now it has changed location. Read the instructions above to retrieve it.
Theseus: You have to save after you buy the battle mode. Return in the game, buy it and save. (then you can refresh) You don't have to beat the boss. :)
PloftKaploft: thank you, yes it is a bug. Not sure why it does that. Usually if you change angle you can read the real text. In case you don't see the code on the box (in the train), it's "361".
Do you even know how much effort it takes to create a game in another language? You should at least respect the effort... A few spelling errors shouldn't actually ruin your experience as long as you understand what you have to do in the game...
Scooby: yes indeed they are very hard to see when to bg of the webpage is WHITE! ;( On most game sites the bg is a dark color so you have no problem seeing the details.. the only advice I can give you is to adjust the brightness of your screen if you play on Kongregate :-S
bewnt, did you save after you bought the battle mode? You have to save :) You don't have to beat the boss, simply buy it, and save, then if you refresh it should be unlocked :)
Don't forget you have to equip your new weapon/armor after you buy it. (press "Enter" to access the menu). It's really not that hard.. if you need HP find a save point and heal. And don't escape from the battles too often because you won't level up.