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Stupid Jerks
Sep. 07, 2012
Rating: 9
Sorry for the convienence? ;)
That Way
May. 06, 2011
Rating: 2
@MadMikeo14 I made the same mistake in my first game like this. I fixed it, then "refixed" it in the game after that. Its just easier to leave it in each game :)
A Ride Home
Feb. 10, 2011
Rating: 263
Interesting atmosphere, very short, I felt alone and lost, which seemed what your goal was :)
Shrinkit Falling
Apr. 26, 2010
Rating: 0
@Senevilla how is it not original?
Rating: -1
kinda laggy, looks a bit like my game tricharge, not saying you stole it, just saying its similar
Feb. 23, 2010
it has a retry button already
Feb. 22, 2010
congrats on beating it
shrink it
Nov. 29, 2009
its not cheating if you find another way to beat it :P
Nov. 28, 2009
with the amount of comments about saves, i feel obligated to make a system, expect it by tomorrow
Miami Simulation
its not a demo if it doesn't work
the wooden ones aren't supposed to move
Nov. 03, 2009
sorry i didnt think about colorblindness, ill try making the colors look different somehow more obvious in the next one
i loved that game lol
Snake Maze 2
Oct. 15, 2009
Rating: -2
first lol
Jan. 27, 2009
@ prosaicpoet1 try snap mode
Nov. 01, 2008
Rating: 1
you cannot get all the stars, many are traps
Oct. 31, 2008
it has 40 lvls, and there is no way u beat them all
Castle Archer
Aug. 15, 2008
whats the cheat? u have to beat it first
Zombie Hunter
Aug. 09, 2008
a reason for killing the zombes? well they KILL YOU jk. but if you want to get a high score, killing adds to your score
Aug. 08, 2008
@shadowhearts, wierd same thing happened in