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Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Mar. 25, 2017

Rating: 2

@comandoawsome123 There is already a pipboy which is named Arm Computer(To avoid Copyright and other problems) and there are also some Skyrim items such as the Oblivion Sword or the Iron Helmet Clearly you didn't even bother with much of the items

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Jul. 09, 2016

Rating: -1

@gordonyang Well the effects and how Hydrofluoric looks like in-game differs alot from how normal acid looks like, Although I agree that it isn't that unique to be made into a power but I don't know

Warfare: 1917

Play Warfare: 1917

Jun. 23, 2016

Rating: 6

I now see 1 major historical inaccuracy in this game, mines on the Western Front of WW1. Arguably there has been some Tank Traps which is alot like mines but it takes alot of pressure and a soldier stepping on it wouldn't trigger it and it is only harmful to tanks. But anti-personel mines were a big no no, what if they needed to actually take the offensive against the enemy and the mines they placed in No-mans-land would get into their way? That is the major reason they didn't use mines, it would just block them and be a hindrance to both sides just like what is being shown in this game

Hill of the King

Play Hill of the King

Jun. 03, 2016

Rating: 30

Even if it is understandable the amount of snowballing that happens is bloody ridiculous at times. Like once one of the AI starts to snowball it is all over. this isn't a problem or anything but I just want to point that out to any other players. DON'T BE STUBBORN, IF THE AI HAS THE MOMENTUM JUST RESTART, IT WILL BE OK

Warfare: 1917

Play Warfare: 1917

Apr. 29, 2016

Rating: 10

@Ocsaleb If this was WW2 then I would have agreed that the Germans were the bad guys of the war, but in WW1 there was really no true "Bad Guy" in it, just a bunch of powerful states grinding thousands and thousands of men and lives against eachother. Heck Germany didn't cause this war nor were they the first nation to declare war. In a matter of fact Germany and the Kaiser Pre-WW1 was extremely against a European War and tried his best (Although he's an absolute crappy ruler) to diplomatically solve and fix the tensions between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. But then again I might be taking this too seriously and you just meant bad guys as the opponents in the game

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Apr. 27, 2016

Rating: 4


Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Apr. 25, 2016

Rating: 2

@RelentlessForce When jointing, welding or linking 2 ragdolls they become a single entity, whatver happens to the ragdoll jointed, welded or linked will happen to the other ragdoll. It is not a visual problem or anything, it is part of the design of the game since you should be able to add heads and bodyparts together to make animals and creatures

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Apr. 24, 2016

Rating: 3

@JJ15x15 As far as I know that can't happen, Orava explained how penetration and such cannot be a thing due to the engine that MaD2 runs on hence why swords don't stab through dolls and spears don't gorge the dolls

Rogue Legend: Tame the Wild

Play Rogue Legend: Tame the Wild

Apr. 21, 2016

Rating: 0

@commander66 The Village was just suddenly attacked, no one in their proper mind would go all calm and ok and think of things like that than trying to run away or something Besides even if they did manage to think of that, would they have enough time to get the materials and craft it before like half of the village is slaughtered and burnt down?

Strike Force Heroes 3

Play Strike Force Heroes 3

Apr. 13, 2016

Rating: 24

At first I was extremely annoyed at how you have to grind so hard and you have to really spend hours and hours on this like I said on my review of this previously but I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING, once you get the snowball rolling around when you have decently leveled 5-7 characters the game starts to become pretty fun and entertaining since each character even with the shitty AI is now kinda competent and good to switch to when your captain gets killed first time in the round. Although I have to say this game has alot of problems and such and not to mention how I still kinda like SFH2 but this is a completely different game and flavor I realized, if you came here to experience SFH2 then you will be sad like me until you realize this game is its own and once you get around it eventually it becomes fun.

Strike Force Heroes 3

Play Strike Force Heroes 3

Apr. 10, 2016

Rating: 0

@Evernewb Actually if you read the comics and such Superman isn't very much binary, but I agree with your concept

Strike Force Heroes 3

Play Strike Force Heroes 3

Apr. 10, 2016

Rating: 7

You know what I don't like about this game? It uses too much of the Skinner Box technique alot of games have just to make the player grind and play the game more without adding that much content or experience. Games are made to be fun to play and a very good way to pass the time, but what I am experiencing in this game 80% of the time is just frustration and getting tired over grinding each individual character again and again and again and again and again. When I sit down and think about it I realize it is not fun anymore to even do this. It isn't engaging, it isn't rewarding and it isn't in any way that good or fun. It is just downright cheap way to make a player waste so much time on the game AND YES time spent on this game is mostly a waste

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Mar. 31, 2016

Rating: 2

This is so bloody hilarious

Effing Worms - Xmas

Play Effing Worms - Xmas

Dec. 23, 2015

Rating: 3

It's funny and awesome how this is the 3rd time I'm playing this on Christmas Time XD Still as amazing as a game as I remember still :D

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Dec. 18, 2015

Rating: 7

@SharpEzio You shouldn't put all the credit on Orava, the community also supplied alot of ideas and items for Orava and the game, This masterpiece is made of the teamwork of many different players and people with the all mightly Developer Orava.

Master of Fortresses

Play Master of Fortresses

Dec. 18, 2015

Rating: -3

@swimmer6 You need to GIT GUD

Imperator - For Rome!

Play Imperator - For Rome!

Nov. 25, 2015

Rating: 4

@RandomLuckyOtaku Actually Hispania and Greece having elephants is historically correct, Phyyrus had Elephant mercenaries in his army in Greece while Hispania was under control of Carthage so it should have elephants Carthage shipped to protect their lands in Hispania

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Nov. 17, 2015

Rating: 1

@Hexagoney ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I like the sound of that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Play Mutilate-a-Doll 2

Nov. 01, 2015

Rating: 0

@Hexagoney "Easter eggs from other games" I don't know the exact number but there are around 50 easter eggs from different games and shows as far as I know in this game

Swords and Souls

Play Swords and Souls

Oct. 27, 2015

Rating: 6

*Plays this game again for fun* Oh this game how has badg... *Gets 65 points from doing all the badges* Welp at least in this Soul Game I have the 30 Point Badge XD since having 100% in RS1 and 2 is really impossible to me . Very awesome game like the others and keep up the great work

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