Carbon Reinitialization Program has been paused; awaiting order to continue from Mother Unit…
CheezezbergrPls: I’ve done it in 9-17 seconds
CheezezbergrPls: Theres this thing called a “Terms of Conditions”
CheezezbergrPls: the first two rules of the internet are a reference to fight club
ckwolf: How about a video game about sex with samwiches made of legos?
DSxXevious: I didn’t know how I could make it stay up
DSxXevious: Cheeze get mine up nao
DSxXevious: Do so much fracking drugs as you can, kids!
DSxXevious: I’m kinda getting sick of all women trying to get up in my junk.
fatword123: this is all brian power
himitsusj: It’s okay, Kat, you and me can be screwed together.
jstar2001: they are short cos my mum keeps getting me off
Jugglinguy: Kat, it didn’t need to get harder
JuiceBoxx: If Kat was a girl, I’d be a lezbo. O___O
Kkardor: I tried doing it with my friend last night
LethalMutiny: Bleh, alright, time to beat this thing.
mosesman0526: holy crap it’s getting hard now
Payton_Hayes: Cheeze, at least mine works. ;D
Payton_Hayes: I want to show you mine.
Payton_Hayes: It’s a bit sticky at first, but then it gets easier.
Payton_Hayes: How bad do you want it, LM?
Payton_Hayes: Nah, it was fun. My sister was the only one to get blown off.
Payton_Hayes: I can get it up as fast as my internet will allow.
RedPanda21: Ahhhh get away from my package you evil elephant you!
SuperChick7: Aww beat it softly!
the_squall: Katare, you make it so gross.
Xymnala: my advice is to not go too deep too fast
zeektheawesome: she wasnt to smart so she outsmarted me
Zelja: right, so you can touch the crap